
सर्वोत्तम जल शोधन के लिए शीर्ष 5 कार्ट्रिज फ़िल्टर

  जल निस्पंदन के लिए दुनिया भर में कार्ट्रिज फिल्टर का व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है। वे अधिकांश घरेलू आरओ जल शोधन प्रणालियों में प्री-फिल्टर के रूप में उपयोग किए जाते हैं जो आमतौर पर घरों, कार्यालयों, अपार्टमेंट आदि में पाए जाते हैं। कार्ट्रिज फिल्टर क्या है, यह समझने के लिए किसी इंजीनियर के दिमाग की जरूरत नहीं है? और यह कैसे काम करता है? मूल रूप से, काफी सरल तरीके से यह एक ट्यूबलर (ट्यूब के आकार का) उपकरण है जो एक केस या आवास के भीतर दो उद्घाटन के साथ लगाया जाता है जिसे इनलेट और आउटलेट के रूप में जाना जाता है। ये उद्घाटन इसलिए जुड़े हुए हैं कि कौन से पाइप पानी की आपूर्ति के साथ हैं। इनलेट से पानी आवास में जाता है और आउटलेट से फ़िल्टर्ड पानी निकलता है। कार्ट्रिज फिल्टर आवश्यकताओं के अनुसार अलग-अलग व्यास और लंबाई में आ रहे हैं और कई तरह से बनाए गए हैं जैसे कि बुने हुए, गैर-बुने हुए और झिल्ली प्रकार। चूंकि वे पानी के अत्यधिक उच्च दबाव का अनुभव कर सकते हैं, इसलिए वे ज्यादातर आवास के भीतर गाइड रॉड के साथ स्थापित होते हैं। जल निस्पंदन कार्ट्रिज के संबंध में आवास की सीलिंग बेहतर शुद्...

5 signs that your water softener is not working accurately

  If your area's supply of water is hard, means it has a high amount of hard minerals (mostly calcium and magnesium) in it. Hard water isn’t bad for human health, but a water softener can make your life a little brighter. But after some time of using it, you’ve noticed that something is wrong with your home water softener. Here are some signs that your water softener isn’t working accurately. 1. Your skin feels dry after you wash it When your home water softener isn’t working properly, you’ll feel the bad effects of hard water on your skin. The hard water minerals can leave a film on your skin. This can make your skin sticky, dry, and itchy. But with soft water, your skin feels healthy and soaps can easily make lather. 2. You’re finding signs of hard water Many other signs of hard water will start to appear when your water softener isn’t working accurately. You might have noticed these signs:- •           Harsh clothes ...

How Ro spare parts impact the life of Ro Plant

Reverse osmosis system are commonly used for purifying water for drinking and other purposes. No one can deny the fact that the Ro plant becomes an essential part in our lives. People do not prefer to drink supply water because they know supply water contains so many harmful minerals in it. These minerals can cause various health problems.  The Ro system includes a number of steps with different Ro parts: A sediment filter is used to trap particles including dust, rust and calcium carbonate. An activated carbon filter is used to trap chemicals and chlorine from water.  The Ro membrane removes dissolved solids, bacteria, viruses, pesticides and other microorganisms. UV lamp can be used optional. A UV(ultra-violet) lamp is used for disinfection of any microorganism that may escape from the Ro membrane. Ro spare parts not only increase the life of your Ro plant but are also important to maintain your Ro plant regularly. Just like other machines,  RO water plants also need re...

Why Grease Trap for kitchen and restaurant is important

  Did you know that half of all sewer buildup is caused by fats and grease? Restaurants and other food businesses aren't allowed to empty grease into the sewer system. Oil, fats and grease are in liquid form when they’re hot from cooking, therefore they look harmless. But when they cool and solidify, they become a waxy substance that sticks to drain walls and become a major cause of slow drainage flow and complete clogging of the system. This is why it’s necessary to have an oil and grease trap installed and routinely serviced. It’s just a way to ensure that your establishment runs well with clean drains. What is a Grease Trap? A oil and grease trap is normally a plumbing device that is used to trap grease and other build-ups from entering the wastewater disposal system. By having a grease separator installed, you stay at peace knowing that only grease-free water will enter your sewer system, this way avoiding any potential clogs or costly damages. The importance of a...

Want to buy Ro Spare Parts? Choose Pearl Water

Ro Spare Part:- A Ro part is an extra piece that can be used to replace a broken or damaged part in a Ro plant. Whenever you need to replace any spare part of your ro plant, always replace it with high quality Ro spares . Means, the water purifier parts that are manufactured by using high-quality material and the latest technology. Problems come while using Ro Plants:- With the vast use of ro water plants, many ro systems start giving problems such as- ·          Leakage ·          Noisy operation ·          Bad odor ·          Water tastes bitter How to avoid these problems:- To avoid these problems, first of all, buy a good brand of Ro plant and always check their features and operation. After that, whenever you need to replace any part of your industrial ro plant, always change the spare parts with the best qua...

Best method to identify water softener is running low on salt

Salt is an essential part of water softener, so it is important to know when you have to add more salt in the system. It is used to recharge polystyrene resin beads inside, so your water softener can effectively remove hard water minerals and make your water fit for cleaning, laundry and bathing. But, if you forget to add more salt in water softener?                                                                   A nd how will you remember when it’s time to refill your brine tank? With all your daily duties and house work, adding brine salt to your water softener can easily slip from your mind. It may look normal at first, but after some time you will notice a difference in your water quality. Without enough salt in your brine tank, your domestic water softener system gets less and less effective. If you notice hard w...

Best and effective tips of " grease trap maintenance" for kitchen

  Best and effective tips of " grease trap maintenance" for kitchen   A grease trap is probably one of the most important parts of your restaurant or your commercial kitchen. A malfunctioning grease trap can impact your customer relations, the working environment of your employees and the operation of your local community. Grease Trap - A grease trap is also known as a grease separator or grease interceptor, is a plumbing fixture used to catch oils, fats and grease produced in food processing. The Grease Interceptor can be located inside or around the sink area. It can be used as exterior traps, usually underground, capable of holding hundreds of litres. What if your grease separator is not well maintained ? A clogged or malfunctioning grease trap can have various bad effects on all aspects of food production :- ·          It emits a bad odour that doesn’t disappear even after cleaning timely. ·     ...